
powershell Check if a Zip file is password protected

Many states have made changes to their filing deadlines to align with the new federal tax deadline extension. However, be sure to check whether your state conforms with the new guidance. The important thing to remember about extensions is that they only extend your time to file the return. If you owe money, then the IRS and states expect you to pay by the normal tax deadline — there’s no extension for paying. So if you’re filing an extension and you believe you’ll owe, then you’ll want to mail a check to the IRS or state. PDFs are exported by a variety of tax preparation programs to save tax returns for archiving, sharing, or printing purposes.

ZipCrypto vs. AES-256 – If you choose to create a zip file (as opposed to 7z), you’ll get to choose between ZipCrypto and AES-256 encryption. AES-256 is much stronger but only works with newer systems (or with those that have 7-Zip installed).


You know your stuff, and you need a lightweight editor to get your Python code done. But if you just need to edit a few project files, Notepad++ is for you.

It is so universal that one might argue it is used virtually everywhere. I wish JSON would not fail on a comma on the end of a list or dict. Does someone know a superset of json that has all the goodies?


Some states accept the IRS tax extension rules, while others require you to file a separate state extension request. That means a tax extension may only apply to your federal return. An extension gives you until October 16, 2023 to file your taxes instead of the tax deadline of April 18, 2023. To see detailed information about state extension filing deadlines and mailing addresses, select your state of interest from this state tax authority’s website. If it’s been more than 21 days since a tax return was e-filed or more than six weeks since mailing a return, taxpayers can call a tax office help hotline to talk to a representative.